Saturday, July 14, 2007

Denson Article

The South Bend Tribune has a nice write up on Autry Denson. I especially like the description of his transformation from player to fan:

Following the Irish falls in that category. Now that his own football career is behind him, Denson plans on being a regular at Notre Dame Stadium."It's better for me to be there than watch it at home," he said.
"When I'm at home, I have this Notre Dame room, and it's just me and my son (Autry). And when the game's on, no one can call me. No one can talk to me. No one is allowed to come into the room."I was talking to (former teammate) Ron Powlus a couple of weeks ago. I told him I've turned into the guy we used to make fun of. I'm a Notre Dame fanatic. I can't help myself. I'm hopeless."

'The guy we used to make fun of' - I know of what you speak.
Autry - there's a pair of pants waiting for you at the bookstore.

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